Old Things- (Books) Part 1

I have always loved old books, particularly old school readers. My mom was really the one that got me hooked on this, just like she did quilting, sewing, embroidery, antiquing, and many other things! 

When I was in Elementary, I was good friends with a Dr, who worked to help students in our school read. He was the head of the Language department, and one day asked me to help him clean out the resource centre. It had books that were way out of date, and they were all being thrown out in the dumpster. I had the job of pulling hundreds of books out of shelves, and carting them to the garbage bin. About halfway through the job, I found a stack of old Ginn readers. (i.e Dick and Jane style. ) 

Just look at the Pictures in them! I also got some of the little primer books for the really little little kids. But, the most rare of all, are the 81/2 by 11' workbooks that I also found. They are the work books, that go with every reader. Most of them were discarded ages ago, so you don't often find these.  I also got a few poetry books, which i love, because the poems were so well chosen.  I have 4 or 5 high school readers and textbooks, like the book on botany from 1928, that I got for just a few dollars. 

My mom has alot of cool books to, like some that were past along in her family, and ones that she has picked up in antique stores. Actually, now my collection is bigger than hers. 
           One of my favourite old books belongs to my Oma and Opa. I found it sitting on the bottom shelf of the bookcase in the room I was staying in. It is a copy of Pilgrims Progress, from like, 1857 ( I think, don't quote me on this ). It is in amazing condition, and has a gorgeous gothic typeface, and pictures.  The funny thing is know one knows who's it is or how it go there! Wild Huh? I flip through it every time I visit them.

I have three songbooks too.(you will see a pic of one of them in the next post.) Also, the picture at the beginning of the post, of the the kids singing, is from it.  I have only briefly mentioned a few of my book collection. I have alot more, plus cool old novels, like three Donna Parker Mystery series books. ( read them alot)

Picture post to come...

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