I'm back

I'm actually  finished my homework! And it is only 6:23! I had so much homework last night (Wednesday) that I had to do my Science and French homework at lunch and in between classes today. It was crazy yesterday, there was so much going on...  Today was good, except that I was up late last night and so I was a little bit on the tired side. Oh well, I will have a nice soak in a hot tub before bed tonight! I have been working on a French project, which take a long time for me to do, because this year is the only year that I have had any really exposure to French, compared to my class mates who have been taking it for years. But I have my dad's extraordinary knack for languages, so that helps! Having him around makes French homework so much easier. Today I also reviewed my irregular verb conjugations for words like faire, aller, être, or avoir. Also the er , re , and ir, verb endings as well as their passé compose endings. I know all of them, but in French class if you can't rattle them of the top of your head then you are in trouble! 

Okay, write tomorrow ( hopefully ) 

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