
Last week, I borrowed the movie "Persuasion", an other Jane Austen, from the Library here in town. I have read the book, I had seen the movie a few times before, but my mom had not. After viewing it my mom has declared it her favourite of Jane Austen's books. This is interesting because this is not one of her most popular novels. The movie was the new BBC version, by the way. Then a few days ago, I was at a used book sale, and found a copy of Persuasion. I already have the book, but since it is her favourite of the novels, I thought she might like to have her own copy. You should have seen her face when I held it up!

Part of my birthday present from my parents was a Chapter's gift card. I went with my dad on Saturday to the Chapters near our house, and I had a few books picked out, but then in the movie section I found a copy of, can you guess?....

                  PERSUASION! So we have the movie and an other copy of the book.

"I would have no idea of being so easily persuaded. When I have made up my mind, I have made it."  Louisa Musgrove. ( Persuasion )

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